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                             TextColor procedure

  DECLARATION:  TextColor(Color : Byte);

      PURPOSE:  Sets the text foreground color

         UNIT:  CRT

      REMARKS:  Color must be an integer expression, ranging from 0 to 15
                or you may use the constants that have been declared in
                the CRT Unit as follows:

                               Black        =  0;
                               Blue         =  1;
                               Green        =  2;
                               Cyan         =  3;
                               Red          =  4;
                               Magenta      =  5;
                               Brown        =  6;
                               LightGray    =  7;
                               DarkGray     =  8;
                               LightBlue    =  9;
                               LightGreen   = 10;
                               LightCyan    = 11;
                               LightRed     = 12;
                               LightMagenta = 13;
                               Yellow       = 14;
                               White        = 15;
                               Blink        = 128;

                TextColor actually sets bits 0..3 in the TextAttr
                variable, which is used to hold the current video attributes
                in the CRT Unit.  For compatibility with previous versions,
                if Color is greater than 15 the Blink Bit is also set,
                otherwise it is cleared.  Alternately, you can make the
                characters blink by adding 128 (or the constant, Blink) to

  DIFFERENCES:  In 3.0, Blink was equal to 16

See Also: HighVideo LowVideo NormVideo TextBackGround TextAttr
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson